Visitando o tasco do shô Beck Hansen, depressa se encontra por lá uma entrevista que será mais uma agradável conversa divagatória entre o proprietário do tasco e o SENHOR Tom Waits.
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Como sou uma particular incomodada com as belas listas dos melhores isto e aquilo, apreciei este trecho ora citado.
«TW: (...)Everyone wants the best eye surgeon, the best babysitter, the best vehicle, the best prosthetic arm, and the best hat. There’s also the worst of all those things available and they’re doing rather well. (Laughs.) Denny’s is doing great. It’s always crowded. You have to wait for a table.
BH: Also this obsession with ranking. All the “Best of” lists. I get asked to write “Best of” lists occasionally. An emphasis on ranking things. Having a hierarchy and having it be written in granite, written in stone.
TW: It’s economic. So you can charge more.»
Ainda assim, a entrevista merece ser lida na íntegra e tem momentos bem melhores do que este.